Monday, June 27, 2011

Exercises you can do for a herniated disc

Having a back herniated disc is probably one of the most common complaints from people suffering from back pains. To deal with them, one of the most effective ways is to do exercises. In most preliminary cases of back herniated discs, patients are advised to seek help from therapy. By doing so, you will be taught the correct exercising techniques that will not strain your back or cause the pain to worsen. Also, exercises that are not done in a proper manner can cause injury to the spine which can be permanent. Hence before you start any treatment process, it is best to seek the advice from a professional.

The reason of herniated discs can be due to poor blood flow into the spine and some exercises are designed for such purposes, to increase the blood flow. Most doctors may start off with a trampoline or ball exercises which can be found in places where they sell sports equipment. Often inexpensive, they are very great tools for strengthening back muscles. Because the back muscles are strengthened, the pressure will be taken off the discs and the healing process will start.

Next there are also fundamental exercises like stretching which really should be done after the trampoline and ball exercises. These set of exercises act as strengthening not just for the back but for the whole body. And since they are not the daily routine exercises like the ball and trampoline, they should only be done only about two to three times a week in order not to cause injury to the damaged disc. Some doctors even prescribe to start stretching exercises after a couple of weeks with the trampoline and ball.

With all the above in mind, you are on your way to heal your herniated disc. Before you commence, make sure you check with a professional to determine the magnitude of exercise regime you should follow.

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